How to Disable AdBlock and Adblock plus on a website and web browser?

Disable AdBlock

Whitelisting or disable the Adblock from any website and web browser is an easy way to do but if you don’t know how to disable Adblock or (Adblock plus) then you don’t have to worry because in this post we will discuss how you can turn it off on your web browser and website. Read on!

How to disable Adblock and Adblock plus on the web browsers:

The most commonly used web browsers are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari. Let’s have a look at how to disable Adblock on all of them.

Chrome: If you are a Google Chrome user then tap on the option ‘tools’ and then click on the extensions tab. Now you need to uncheck the enabled option to toggle off the Adblock or (Adblock Plus) in Google Chrome. 

Firefox: Open Mozilla Firefox and click on add-ons tab. Now, tap on the disable option in order to turn it off from Firefox.

Microsoft Edge: If you are a Microsoft Edge user, tap on the Extension tab and then click on the ‘on’ button.

Safari: Open your Safari browser, Click on preferences and then hit the extensions tab. Now, go to the left side of the page and uncheck the checkbox to turn off the Adblock.

How to disable AdBlock on a WebSite:

Open your web browser and then go to the website on which you want to turn off the Adblock. For instance, open the website like, click on the extensions and follow the below instruction to whitelist any website. 

Google Chrome: Go the right corner of the web page and then tap on Adblock and then click on exclude button to turn it off.

Firefox: Open Firefox and go to right corner of the window and then tap on the Adblock icon. Now click on exclude button to disable the Adblock.

Edge: When you are using Microsoft Edge, locate the Adblock icon next to the address bar. Now click on the exclude tab to disable it.

Safari: Go to the left corner of the address bar, click on the Adblock icon and turn it off.

  How to Disable Adblock Plus on a Site

Open the website on which you want to turn off the Adblock plus such you want to turn it off on, open it and then go to the address bar and click on extensions tab of your browser. 

Chrome: go to the address bar and select the Adblock plus icon, then tap on the enable button to disable the Adblock on If you want to turn on the Adblock plus again, tap on the disable button.

Firefox: Go to the right side of the page and click on the Adblock plus. Then click on enable tab to turn it off.

Microsoft Edge: Open Edge browser, then go to the extensions list, now click on Adblock plus and then click the show option. Now tap on enable the option to turn it off.

Safari: Open Safari browser and tap on Adblock plus icon then tap on the enable button to disable the Adblock plus.